
  1. The currency of the country Banama is Rupas (Rp). There are exactly five denominations in which the currency is available → Rp 2 Rp 3, Rp 7, Rp 17 and Rp 19.

    below the question

    Each of five persons, A through E, had notes of exactly one denomination with him and no two persons among the five had notes of the same denomination. On a particular day, the five persons visited a shop and each of them purchased a different product. The amounts that A through E paid the shopkeeper were Rp 102, Rp 357 Rp 399 Rp 238 and Rp 147, in that order. Further, the number of notes that each person gave the shopkeeper was distinct However, the amount that each person paid the shopkeeper was more than the price of the product that he purchased. Therefore, the shopkeeper returned the excess amounts to each of A through E in the form of 2 notes, 4 notes, 1 note, 2 notes and 1 note respectively, but in denomination(s) different from that in which the person had paid the shopkeeper
    What is the domination of the notes that B had?


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