#DILR-8(FB Group)

A through F are six individuals who are making a trip to city Z to visit the six tourist sites T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 which lie with the circumference of a circle in that order, in the clockwise direction. The six sites are connected by a train that moves at a uniform speed only in the clockwise direction as it passes through T1 and ending at T1. The tourists also have an option to take a taxi that runs from any of the sites. However, the taxi can not replace any destination with the circumference. 
More information about the following information is known: 
(a) The taxi takes 5 minutes to travel
(b) The train takes 10 minutes 
(c) All the tourists prefer to travel along the quickest route first and do not mind visiting the sites in any order. 
(d) Each site is visited only once by a tourist
A through F begin at different sites at the same time. After travelling a total of 20 minutes by them, the following is known about their positions at different sites (Assume all the tourists spent the same amount of time in each of the sites to explore and there was no waiting time for the train or the taxi). The term 'travel' means to travel between the sites only.
(1) F is at the site opposite T1 and neither B nor D is a site adjacent to the site at F is.
(2) E, D and C are three consecutive sites, with E being at the middle site.
(3) A comes later than F
1) If T (k) represents the tourist site from which D started twenty minutes ago, then what is the value of k?

How much more travel time (in minutes) required tourists to visit all the remaining sites?

If T (k) represents the last site that is visited by F, then what is the value of k?

After how much time did B reach T2 when measured from the beginning of the tour?



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