#DILR-7(FB Group)

Ronaldo, Messi and Neymar participate in a football tournament consisting of penalty shootouts. They try to score one after the other in that order without any breaks. In every round, the player gets exactly one chance to score. The tournament has "n" rounds. For any player "P" the player taking the penalty just before him(not necessarily in the same round) is called as the preceding player for that round.
The following observations were made-

1) If P scores the penalty in the previous round and the preceding player also scores the penalty, then P will miss the penalty in the current round.
2) If P scores the penalty in the previous round and the preceding player misses the penalty, then P will score the penalty in the current round.
3) If P misses the penalty in the previous round and the preceding player also misses the penalty, then P will miss the penalty in the current round.
4) If P misses the penalty in the previous round and the preceding player scores the penalty, then P will score the penalty in the current round.
5) At least 1 player scored the penalty in every round.

1) What is the maximum number of penalties scored in any 8 consecutive rounds?

2)All the players scored the penalties in a round. What is the total number of penalties scored in the next 51 rounds?

3)What is the number of penalties that Neymar scored in the first 21 rounds if Ronaldo is the only player to score a penalty in Round 1?

4)If Messi misses the penalty in round 1 then what is the minimum number of penalties he can score in the next 13 rounds?



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