#DILR - 39


A cell phone assembling plant has 7 processes to assemble a cell phone. The seven processes are - P, Q, R, S, T, U and V. The process can only be started with S or T. S takes 12 days while T takes 7 days. Q can be started only after S and T. Q takes 5 days. R takes 8 days and can be started only after T. R and S are prerequisites for U and it can be completed in % days. Q and R are prerequisites for V, which takes 2 days. P, which is the final process, can only start if all the other processes are completed. P takes 6 days. Further, it is known that processes can be carried out simultaneously.

1) The process can be completed earliest in how many days?

     (a) 21 days
     (b) 22 days
     (c) 26 days
     (d) 27 days

2) A new machine is bought which halves the time for process R. If the whole process is completed in the minimum possible time, what per cent of the time is spent doing exactly one of the process?

3) A new machine is bought which reduces the time for S by half, then in how many days the whole process will be completed?

4) The management is planning to invest in a new machine which will reduce the processing time for one of the processes among P, Q, R, S, T, U and V by half. The management decides in such a way that there is a minimum reduction in completion time as compared to the original time. What is the percentage reduction in time that the management can expect?


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