How many integral values can the expression (15x^2+2x+1)/(x^2-2x-1) not take?


As we have to find the values that the equation cannot take,we can find range of possible values that equation will attain and then remove this range from R(R->Real numbers)

=>(15x^2+2x+1)/(x^2-2x-1) = y
=>(15-y)x^2 +2*(y+1)*x + (1+y) = 0
Now for x to be real discriminant must be >=0
=>(2^2)*(y+1)^2 - 4(15-y)(y+1) >=0
=>(y+1)[y+1-15+y]  >=0
=>(y+1)(y-7) >=0

So, y = (-inf,-1] u [7,inf)

So the given equation will not take integral values between (-1,7)
i,e; 0,1,2,3,4,5,6

Hence,the given equation cannot take 7 integral values. 


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